Mobile App Connection

Connecting To The Lead Connector Mobile App

March 27, 20231 min read

How To Download The Conversion Hives Lead Connector Mobile App:

Follow the brief instructions below to download the Lead Connector app. This is one of our partners that allows you to see all of the same contact and sales information you can see on but in an "on-the-go" mobile app. Pretty cool right?

Conversion Hives Lead Connector How To 1

After you have downloaded the Lead Connector mobile app, navigate to the app on your phone and open it.

Conversion Hives Leac Connector How To 2

Next, input your Conversion Hives email and password and click the "Sign In" button.

Conversion Hives Lead Connector How To 3

And there you have it, you're all logged in and can see everything on your phone you can see on the desktop CRM.

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Jeremy Sandell

Jeremy Sandell is a digital marketer with more than 7 years of experience. He is the Co-Founder & CEO of Conversion Hives.

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